The Importance of the Napkin Deal

One of the most important laws that govern personal injury practice was written on a napkin at Frank Fat’s in 1987. This significant historical event related to plaintiff’s personal injury law occurred on the evening of September 10, 1987. Present that night were lobbyists for the tobacco industry, doctors, manufacturers, insurance industry representatives and plaintiff…

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Understanding Health Insurance Liens and Their Importance to Anyone New to Personal Injury Law

Anyone new to the personal injury law practice must understand health insurance liens. In a personal injury case, a lien claims arises when an insurance company or government agency pays the medical bills of an injured plaintiff, who later makes a recovery against the negligence person’s insurance company.   A good way to learn about…

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Ebook Redesign 2015

Contrary to the popular exhortation, people do judge books by their covers. That’s why it’s important we select the right one for this book. That’s where you come in.

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New Personal Injury Lawyers: You Can Always Phone a Friend

In the lead up to the launch of Signup to Settlement: A Personal Injury Law Boot Camp, we asked our followers what their number one F.E.A.R. (False Expectation Appearing Real) was about beginning to practice personal injury law. One response was, “I am afraid I will make a mistake and lose the case.” Another lawyer responded, “I don’t want my client to lose, based upon my lack of knowledge and skill.” Let’s unpack these two answers and see what we can learn.

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Three Common Rookie Mistakes New Personal Injury Lawyers Make

Rookie mistake are avoidable errors that new lawyers without the perspective of experience will often make. Expert witness discovery is an area of personal injury law where new lawyers can make mistakes. Here are my top three rookie mistakes applicable to expert discovery in a personal injury case. – Rookie mistake #1 – failure to…

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ABC’s of Becoming A Successful Trial Lawyer from Day One

A. Embrace who you are. Do not try and become someone who you think you are supposed to be. For example if you are a calm reasonable person stay that way. It will serve you much better to stay true to your personality. Don’t try and turn yourself into an argumentative Mr. Tough Guy, because…

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SignUp To Settlement Screencasts are Complete!

This week I taped the final screencast for the final session of Signup to Settlement, A Personal Injury Law Boot Camp. The twelve sessions of the course flowed from 20 years of personal injury trial practice and was the culmination of twelve months of thinking, planning, outlining and discovery. Like everything in life, it all…

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Top Ten California Cases Every New Plaintiff Personal Injury Lawyer Must Know

These ten cases provide a good framework for lawyers new to the plaintiff personal injury practice.  The holdings from these cases are frequently applicable to almost every personal injury case.  They deal with a plaintiff’s burden of proof of injury, discovery traps, medical bill recovery, policy limits demands, accident reconstruction, and fee splitting arrangements among…

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Top Five Books Anyone Interested In Life As a Trial Lawyer Must Read

Interested in a career as a plaintiff personal injury trial lawyer? Helping people protect and advance their legal rights is a rewarding undertaking.  Before you start, take your time and make sure it’s a good path for your life. The life of a trial lawyer is filled with challenges, self discovery, hard work and the…

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